
Company details

Contact: einer Thilo PfeifenDr. Georg-Meier-Str. 4DE-76703 Kraichtal, Deutschlandinfo@reiner-thilo-pfeifen.de Inhaber: Reiner Thilo Bindschädel Liabilty for content As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general laws in accordance with Section 7 (1)… Continue Reading…


Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Personal data (usually referred to just as “data” below) will only be processed by us to the extent necessary and for the purpose of providing a functional and user-friendly website, including its contents, and the services offered there.… Continue Reading…



Reiner Thilo PfeifenDr. Georg-Meier-Str. 4DE-76703 Kraichtal, Deutschlandinfo@reiner-thilo-pfeifen.deTel. +49 (0) 72 51 – 6 80 71


Where to buy/Partners

Where to buy: As of now you can order my pipes directly through me.Please contact me via Email. Further you can buy Reiner Thilo pipes at the following dealers: Germany Cigarworld Esterval’s Pipehouse Falkum Pfeifenstudio Frank Gerd Jansen’s Pfeifendepot Hamburg… Continue Reading…


The Workshop

How does a pipe develop? Here I show you the most important design steps from my workshop. © Reiner Thilo Pfeifen 2020


Pipe Gallery

A selection of my pipes. Please contact me for further informations or if you have a question at info@reiner-thilo-pfeifen.de. Here you find a list of my partners and where to buy my pipes. © Reiner Thilo Pfeifen 2020


About Reiner Thilo

DEAR PIPE SMOKER My name is Reiner Thilo Bindschädel. I make pipes from the best briar fetched from Tuscany, Calabria and Liguria. I also use the wood of the strawberry tree (arbutus) and the subfossil bog oak. Each pipe is a one… Continue Reading…

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